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onI talk to Canadian & American steel mills daily. It’s the only way I can keep ahead of price increases, tariffs and supply logistics. North American mills do not have the capacity to supply all of our domestic needs. This is where imports play a vital role in filling the shortfall. Obviously purchasing your requirements well ahead of actual work schedules is necessary, but when is the right time to buy?
We’ve had lots of practice at Milltrade. I’ve been doing this since 1981, although this last run has seen my hair turn silver not white! Call us & we’ll give you a mature read on this rebar market.
Welcome Ian Poulsen to Milltrade. Effective May 1, 2018, Milltrade Building Products Ltd. announced our new partnership with MiTek Canada, Inc. Our role as Master Distributor for MiTek structural connectors encompasses the largest distributor inventory in western Canada.
Please contact ian@milltrade.ca to accommodate your structural connector sales (780-452-1894).